65 national and international organizations across Europe have sent out a call to their representatives in government to open their eyes to the plight of those attempting the Mediterranean crossing and to support and celebrate those attempting to save lives, rather than vilifying and confounding them.

As SKOP, Malta’s NGO platform, we write representing eight of Malta’s civil society organizations who stand for their own communities in turn,as we call for pro-activity, lobby for change and demand humanity and solidarity from those who represent us at the highest levels.

As part of this Europe-wide initiative, both national and international agencies across all members states have lent their voice to an open letter, drafted in collaboration, drawing attention to our concerns surrounding the situation at sea and the activities in the Mediterranean.

As Maltese organizations we feel particularly strongly about the issue and were proud to put this letter to our PM and Minister for Home Affairs and National Security. We hope, sincerely, that they will take into considerations the sentiments held within this letter and allow us to lobby for the points listed therein:

1. To support Search and Rescue operations and allow the to conduct SAR activities, dock in the ports, disembark in a timely manner and re-deploy

2. To adopt timely and predictable disembarkation arrangements, to allow SAR organizations to better operate within a structured framework, rather than one decided on a case-by-case basis

3. To end returns to Libya without exception.

Read the full letter here.